wind resistance / advantage - and weathers effect on archery
aleshanee > 12-07-2021, 12:44 PM
wind resistance.... the place where we practice most often now is on the windward tip
of an island.. ..... and so we are always having to deal with wind coming at us one way or
another.... usually quartering into us from about 10 to 25 degrees head on, but some -
times from the side at a straight 90 degrees.... seldom ever from behind... but in those
few occasions when we did have a wind advantage from 180 degrees back we learned
a lot about arrow flight that no doubt had a major influence at the battle of towton...
i am not a big fan of tods "lock down" longbow as there is much more to what makes
arrows shot from a true longbow authorative than simply the speed at which they leave
the string.... ..but as he says..since he can;t draw back a 160 pound longbow this will
have to be the best we can get.... .and besides.... right now he is the only one doing any-
thing even close to this in a true scienctific manner, and putting it on video....